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Research blog

  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Hawkins

The start. Let the Live Project Commence.

Updated: May 16, 2019

As I embark on my first individual research project, I am marking the moment with a blog post exploring the project as it is at the start of the journey.

Throughout the last three years, I have been studying Media, Industry and Innovation at The University of Brighton. During this time I have been developing my own research interests and working towards undertaking my final year Live Project. Unlike the traditional dissertation the Live Project presents an opportunity to bring together my work from the last three years and apply it to an industry setting.

During my studies one media area that I have developed a keen interest in is the marketing industry. Subsequently, it was key for my own personal and academic development that theories and concepts of promotional cultures were at the heart of my project and when coupled with my own interest in the podcasting format, a personalised project aim was developed.

The aim of this project is to investigate how the charity sector could utilise podcast technology as a marketing tool.

In order to achieve this aim, I have also identified three key objectives;

1. To understand current inbound digital marketing methods currently used by Charities.

2. To determine how effective podcasts could be as a charity marketing tool.

3. To comprehend what would make a successful charity podcast.

Once achieved, not only will these objectives enable me to reach my aim, but they'll also inform the final outcome of this project which is set to be an industry report. The final report is hoped to be of value to various stakeholders within the charity marketing and podcasting industries, by providing information regarding the value of podcasting and the way the format can benefit charity communication strategies.


Although still in the early stages of the project, I have identified five key methods that I hope to utilise throughout the project including;

  • Surveys

  • Content Analysis

  • Observations

  • Interviews

  • Critical Analysis of Texts


Over the next 10 weeks I will be carrying out this project, and exploring at the length the potential of the podcast technology within the charity marketing sector.

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