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Live Project

During my final year at University, I embarked on a research project to investigate 'The Power of Voice in the Charity Sector'. 

the power of voice in the charity sector

For many nonprofit organisations, the densely populated charity landscape hinders the effectiveness of their communication activity. Communication is vital in enabling the successful promotion of charitable organisations and the issues they are trying to confront. Therefore innovation plays a significant role in ensuring that communication techniques are updated to provide organizations with new ways to reach out and interact with audiences.


Over time charity communication producers have made use of a variety of platforms and formats to ensure their activity is in line with the consumption needs of their audiences. Research drawn from charity marketing history highlights the evolution of inbound approaches and the increasing utilisation of content formats such as videos, podcasts, blogs, and social media. Although all of these formats host attributes beneficial to communication activity, careful consideration is required when assessing whether a platform is a right for your organisation.


Following this, I decided that for my final year research project, I would investigate the potential of podcast technology as communciation tool within the charity industry.


For more information on this project and the findings, please click the white box adjacent for access to the downloadable report, or alternatively visit my research blog here

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